™ (hereinafter referred to as “this site”) is provided as a public service by the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Defense Human Resources Activity (DHRA) and the Office of People Analytics: Joint Advertising, Market Research & Studies (JAMRS) program.
Information presented on this site not identified as protected by copyright is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline, photo and image credits is requested.
This U.S. government computer system uses software programs to create summary statistics that are used for such purposes as assessing what information is of most and least interest, determining technical design specifications, and identifying system performance or problem areas. For this site management, information is collected via Tier 1 (single-session) and Tier 2 (multi-session) cookies for statistical purposes. Cookies are small data files that are stored on your computer to pass information back and forth between your computer and the site server. They can be encoded with any type of textual data, but most commonly contain a name/value pair, expiration date, path, domain name and encryption information, as shown in this example:
- Name: Set-Cookie: RMID=732423sdfs73242;
- Expiration: expires=Fri, 31-Dec-2020 23:59:59 GMT;
- Path: path=/;
- Domain:
This site additionally utilizes page tagging during media activity. Page tags act like single-session cookies, combining an ID with an IP address and time stamp to match up site activity to media impressions and clicks.
Web measurement and customization technologies (WMCT) are used on this site to remember your online interactions, conduct measurement and analysis of usage. Third-party vendors Google and DoubleClick are utilized as part of this site’s measurement process. This site does not connect WMCT data to personally identifiable information (PII). Collected WMCT data is retained for a maximum of three years and adheres to all privacy safeguards required by DoD Instruction 8550.01 Internet Services and Internet-Based Capabilities. The Department of Defense does not use the information associated with WMCT to track individual user activity on the internet outside of Defense Department websites, nor does it share the data obtained through such technologies, without your explicit consent, with other departments or agencies. The Department of Defense does not keep a database of information obtained from the use of WMCT. Per industry standard, WMCT is deployed by default on this site. Instructions for how you may opt out of some of the most commonly used WMCT are available at USA government Opt Out Instructions Opting out still permits users to access comparable information or services on this site.
Except for authorized law enforcement investigations and national security purposes, no other attempts are made to identify individual users or their usage habits beyond DoD websites. Raw data logs are used for no other purposes and are scheduled for regular destruction in accordance with National Archives and Records Administration Guidelines.
For site security purposes and to ensure that this site remains available to all users, software programs are employed to monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage. Unauthorized attempts to upload information or change information on this site are strictly prohibited and may be punishable under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 (18 U.S.C. § 1030) and the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act.
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