Every interview conversation is different, but most interviewers will likely be interested in a few common, overarching questions and themes. If you’re feeling intimidated about this stage of the application process, here are a few topics to expect:
What makes you, you? Ideally, this should be a prepared script — a brief summary of your background, academic interests and extracurricular activities. Don’t make it too rehearsed, but definitely know the major beats in advance.
If you’ve identified specific programs or opportunities at this school that align with your goals, now’s the time to mention them. If you haven’t, then it’s time to do some research!
This doesn’t have to stop at your desired major. Share the subjects where you excel, and how you’d like to pursue them in college.
Be ambitious but realistic. Share your long-term goals, explain how the school fits in your scheme of things and how the experience and skills you’ll gain there will help you achieve them. Ideally, your answer should position the school as the natural bridge between where you are and where you want to go.
The best way to tackle this question is by pairing your strengths and interests with specific programs, groups and perks offered by the college. One way or another, try to tie your answer back to active participation.
We hope you’ve found these tips both useful and inspiring. There’s more to explore, so why stop now?