Members of the infantry are ground troops that engage with the enemy in close-range combat. They operate weapons and equipment to engage and destroy enemy ground forces. Being in the infantry is considered to be one of the more physically demanding and psychologically stressful military jobs.
Because the infantry must be prepared to go anywhere in the world they are needed, they work and train in all climates and weather conditions. During training exercises, as in real combat, troops work, eat, and sleep outdoors. Most of the time, however, they work on military bases.
Base pay is the standard income you’ll earn as a service member, providing a stable foundation to start achieving your financial goals.
All enlisted service members complete basic military training, which includes time spent in a classroom and in the field, and covers tactical and survival skills, physical training, military life and customs, and weapons training. While some of the training is in the classroom, most infantry training is in the field under simulated combat conditions. In reality, training for an infantry service member never stops. Infantry service members keep their skills sharp through frequent squad maneuvers, target practice, and war games. War games conducted without live ammunition allow soldiers to practice scouting, troop movement, surprise attack, and capturing techniques.
RIASEC represents six broad interest areas—Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional—helping individuals identify careers that match their skills and preferences.
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