Cyber security specialists secure, defend, and protect data, networks, and other information systems by enacting appropriate security controls and measures. They monitor, analyze, detect, and respond to unauthorized activity in the cyberspace domain. Tasks include testing and maintaining hardware and software to ensure the security of Department of Defense networks. They perform deliberate actions to strengthen information systems and networks, perform vulnerability assessments, and respond to incidents. Cyber security specialists may focus on a specific type of information system, coordinating with network and system administrators, to ensure the security of Department of Defense information networks.
Cyber security specialists work in offices or in command and control centers on land or aboard ships.
Base pay is the standard income you’ll earn as a service member, providing a stable foundation to start achieving your financial goals.
Like all enlisted personnel, cyber security specialists complete basic military training, which includes time spent in a classroom and in the field, and covers tactical and survival skills, physical training, military life and customs, and weapons training. Cyber security specialists in the Military receive advanced training. Starting with extensive technical preparation in everything from database design to computer networking to communications systems, skills continue to be enhanced through classroom and on-the-job instruction. Training content may include:
You love figuring out how things work and researching subjects that interest you.
You like structure, staying organized, and working with systems to get things done efficiently.
RIASEC represents six broad interest areas—Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional—helping individuals identify careers that match their skills and preferences.
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