Artillery and missile crew members target, fire, and maintain weapons used to destroy enemy positions, aircraft, and vessels. The specific duties they perform vary by the type of combat operations they support. Field artillery crew members predominantly use guns, cannons, and howitzers in ground combat operations; air defense artillery crew members predominantly use missiles and rockets; and, naval artillery crew members predominantly use torpedoes and missiles launched from a ship or submarine. Crew members may also coordinate joint fire missions and operate sophisticated targeting equipment.
Artillery and missile crew members work under different conditions depending on the type of weapon system they use. Some crew members spend a lot of time in field training exercises, where they work, eat, and sleep outdoors and in tents. Others live and work aboard ships or submarines.
Base pay is the standard income you’ll earn as a service member, providing a stable foundation to start achieving your financial goals.
All enlisted service members complete basic military training, which includes time spent in a classroom and in the field, and covers tactical and survival skills, physical training, military life and customs, and weapons training. Job training for artillery and missile crew members consists of classroom and field training under simulated combat conditions. Further training occurs on the job and through training exercises. Training content may include:
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