Service Academy Eligibility
As you think about applying to one of the Service academies, there are some requirements to consider. To be eligible to join an academy, you must be:
- a citizen of the United States.
- of good moral character.
- unmarried with no dependents.
- at least 17, but fewer than 23 years of age by July 1 of the year you plan to attend.
To learn more about these requirements and the Service academies themselves, check out the at-a-glance links above.

How To Apply to a Service Academy
To apply for one of the Service academies, you’ll have to go through a two-step application process. Step one is writing to your congressional representative or senator to request a nomination. While this may sound a little daunting, chances are they’ll be honored to help.
After you’ve secured your nomination, the second step is to complete testing — taking the SAT or ACT as you would for any other college, undergoing a medical examination and passing the Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board (DoDMERB) physical exam. After these are done, complete and submit all forms to the academy or academies by their deadline.
White House Process for Academies
Why Enroll at a Service Academy?
Admissions at Service academies are competitive for a reason. In addition to offering a fully funded, four-year education, Service academies are among the nation’s most prestigious schools in terms of quality of education and will look absolutely fantastic on a resume. And, few schools can compete with the benefits you’ll receive, like an annual stipend of $10,000 to cover personal expenses while a student, and secure employment as a military officer upon graduation.