See the World
If you’ve ever wanted to experience other countries, cultures and communities, a gap year is a great way to give yourself the time to do that. Some people do it all by themselves, while others go through travel-oriented organizations like educational tour groups and work exchange programs. Wherever you want to travel, and however you choose to get there, the world is your oyster.
Recharge and Reflect
Feel like you need to take a beat and focus on yourself for a while? That’s what gap years are all about! From sitting down to make plans for short- and long-term success to getting out of your day-to-day routines by traveling somewhere new or taking on a personal project, there are plenty of ways to make the most of your unstructured time.
Gain Real-Life Skills
Looking to get certified in a marketable skill? Even if you’re continuing to another form of higher education, adding a few more tools to your toolbox can be a rewarding way to spend a gap year. Many people accomplish this through a mix of courses and part-time work.
Boost Your Resume
Taking a gap year doesn’t have to mean adding a gap to your work experience. Many people choose to take a gap year to focus on their own professional development, either through part-time and volunteer jobs, or by developing a specific resume-worthy skill, like learning a new language. Whatever you choose, it’s hard to go wrong with prioritizing your own future career prospects.
Test-Drive Career Ideas
If your dreams hinge on a specific job title, company or field, or if you’re still working that out, you might consider taking a gap year to do some research and try on a few different hats. Explore internships and volunteer work, or maybe even try starting your own business, if you’ve got the passion for it.